GG DApp Beta 2.0: How to join and earn

GG Dapp
3 min readDec 2, 2021


December has arrived, which means that we are almost ready for the launch of our GG DApp platform! Thanks to a dedicated group of community members we were able to test our beta 1.0 and prepare to onboard even more beta testers to the platform. Find out how to be part of our beta 2.0 in this article.

Beta 1.0 testers helped and earned

Staking options page in current closed Beta

The first stage of GG DApp’s beta was an insightful one for us, as our testers identified a few valuable improvements that by now have been implemented. At the same time, the efforts of our early staking adopters were rewarded with an impressive APY of around 3500% based on the current staking amounts. Now that we have been running a stable staking system for a few weeks, it is time to onboard more users and prepare for our main platform launch. Therefore we will extend our beta to another 100 users by December 6th.

How to participate and become a beta tester

The team has decided to deploy the beta in several stages, with the second beta stage opening up to 100 extra users, based on the following logic and opportunities for our community:

  • 30 spots for our top-30 GGTK holders on the Ethereum Network
  • 20 spots for our top-20 GGTK holders on Polygon Network
  • 10 spots for our top liquidity providers of our pair in Quickswap
  • 10 spots for the best tweets about GG DApp/GGTK and upcoming beta (rules bellow)
  • 10 spots for the best GG DApp/GGTK meme tweets (rules bellow)
  • The final 20 slots will be reserved for invites, mainly to be distributed among our most active and valued community members, who are not part of the beta yet.

For the spots reserved for top holders and liquidity providers we will check them on Monday December 6th at 3pm UTC. Regarding the tweets and memes they need to be posted in Twitter mentioninng @gg_dapp and $GGTK and using the #ggdappbeta hashtag, until December 5th at 3pm UTC. We will contact the winners on December 6th, before the new beta goes live.

On top of increasing the amount of participants, we will also increase the staking limit from 1000 to 5000 tokens per participant.

About GG DApp Beta

GG DApp is an upcoming gaming platform plus DeFi ecosystem, with NFTs at its core, that aims to reward players, developers and investors. With the current closed beta we want to give the users a preview of the UI and how the rewards mechanism will work. To keep it simple, we will adopt a similar model to Bitcoin rewards, with a total of 21 million GGTK available. Every 10 minutes 50 GGTK will be distributed and roughly every four years, the total number of GGTK users of GG DApp can potentially win is halved.

This 50 GGTK will be distributed to the general pool and also to the individual pools of each gaming project in the platform, 20% to the general pool and the rest 80% to the gaming pools.

At this point there will be only the general pool available for staking and so 10 GGTK will be distributed every 10 minutes to this pool.

Although the staking part is limited to the whitelisted beta testers everyone can already have a sneak peak of what is coming:

We again want to thank you all for all of your efforts to grow the GG DApp project and community. This beta 2.0 is a big step towards our main launch and we are looking forward to onboarding more of you from December 6th onwards!

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GG Dapp
GG Dapp

Written by GG Dapp

Upcoming web3 gaming platform, plus GameFi ecosystem.

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