The community is the beating heart of any crypto project. GG DApp has been fortunate to have a dedicated fanbase from the start, with incredible knowledge for us to be leveraged. This is exactly why we introduced the first of many GG DApp surveys to come. This article summarizes your feedback on our marketing strategy and what we are doing with it.
Reasons for investing
Our community shared a lot of background about how and why they got involved with us. Over half of you are primarily interested in trading $GGTK or holding our coin to earn passive income, which is one of the key features we are developing to reward our users. Right now, ‘only’ 25% is focused on playing the future games. This shows that we are just starting, as the games will bring an entirely new audience on board. GG DApp believes that gaming will be one of the major movements behind the mass adoption of crypto, so this will be a key part of our marketing strategy as soon as the games are live. Fortunately this will reward our token holders as well, as more players will mean more passive income to be earned.
Influencer impact
Aside from a very positive vibe about GG DApp’s future, we also received valuable feedback regarding our marketing strategy. More than half of our members found GG DApp through an influencer. Unsurprisingly, our dear friend The Chocolate Master introduced our project to about 1/3rd of you. Moving forward, we will leverage this opportunity more by stimulating our community to produce GG DApp content on social media, increasing our exposure among new audiences and influencers with a large following. This is also an open invitation to anyone who wants to create content for GG DApp. Please reach out to @mettendv on Telegram to discuss more details.
The key channel behind all of this is Twitter, which was already part of our organic and paid efforts. We have recently picked up Twitter ads more actively, and are expanding our team to make sure we can produce more content. With regards to influencers, the marketing suggestion that was mentioned by most of you, the first steps have been taken already and should be visible to all of you soon.
Your favourite content
The final area we discussed with our community was the content on our channels. The launch of the first games is getting closer and we realise that all of you are very eager to see behind the scenes content about it. While our core focus is on development and launching as soon as we can, we heard your message in the survey loud and clear; more development updates! Some of you might be familiar with our Sprint Review already, but we are also looking to update you more often with snap shots of what we have built.
This concludes the summary of our first survey, which has helped us a lot in determining our (marketing) direction for the weeks and months to come. We would like to thank all of you again for your participation and invite you to share any additional feedback through Telegram. We aim to get back to you with more surveys in the future and can’t wait to collect all of your ideas.
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