GG DApp — Sprint Review #38

GG Dapp
3 min readMar 21, 2024


As we wrap up another sprint at GG DApp, it’s time to share the loot of our latest adventures. This sprint was all about charting new territories, revamping classic battles, and fine-tuning our engines for a smoother journey. Let’s dive into the epic updates that have been keeping our crew busy!

GG DApp is an upcoming web3 gaming platform and DeFi ecosystem, that aims to reward players, developers, and liquidity providers. Every month we write a review with all the recent updates and developments so everyone is up to speed with what we are building.

Multi-Chain Expansion: Awaiting the Probe’s Return

Our mission to expand the GG DApp universe into new blockchain realms has reached a critical waypoint. We’ve applied for a grant that promises to turbocharge not just GG Dapp but also our Pirates 2048 game with multi-chain capabilities. Currently, we’re in a holding pattern, orbiting this promising new “planet” as we await the return of our “probe” with vital data. The anticipation is electric, and we’re all systems go for the next phase once we receive the green light.

Pirates 2048: Charting a Course for Uncharted Waters

The winds of change are blowing for Pirates 2048! With the arrival of our new interns, brimming with fresh ideas and boundless energy, we’ve embarked on a major redesign of our cherished retro-futuristic pirate ship battle game. The most thrilling change on the horizon? The switch to Unity from the current JavaScript engine, setting the stage for a richer, more immersive gaming experience. Our interns are at the helm, steering Pirates 2048 towards becoming more fun than ever before.

A sneak peek of a test: adding a new moving cannon and ship sail to our pirate ship

Simthunder Beta: Under the Hood Enhancements

Another highlight of this sprint was the launch of a new beta version of Simthunder, our sim racing assets marketplace. The major upgrades were done “under the hood,” with a new smart contract deployed on Polygon for smoother transactions and streamlined future updates. There were also fixes in the front-end and now you can easily check your $SRC balance. This upgrade puts us in the perfect position to start adding content with confidence. To kick things off, we’re launching a skin contest — get ready to witness some spectacular sim racing artworks!

Leveling up this spring

As we hit the save point on this one, think of spring’s fresh start — full of promise and new growth. As we get ready for the next level in GG DApp, expect more thrilling updates in Pirates 2048 and Simthunder, and keep your eyes peeled for juicy news on our multi-chain expansion.

Until our next adventure,
The GG DApp Team

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GG Dapp

Upcoming web3 gaming platform, plus GameFi ecosystem.