Summer is around the corner, the weather is heating up, and so are our developers keyboards! In May we continued the intense development in SimThunder, our sim racing assets and NFTs marketplace, and in our Pirates 2048 game, our two gaming projects that will be the first integrations of GG Dapp ecosystem.
SimThunder Beta 1.1
Last month marked the release of the second beta version of SimThunder, our sim racing assets marketplace, with important fixes and improvements. The initial beta version was deployed in a private testnet but the new one is now deployed in Rinkeby, a public Ethereum testnet.
SimThunder, being developed in partnership with Cartesi, will enable sim racers to exchange sim racing items such as car setup files and skins, as well as NFTs that represent ownership of digital cars in private sim racing leagues, among others. This is one of the core features of the Simracer Coin project, one of the first integrations in GG Dapp.
You can join the private Beta from our website, You’ll get an invite to join our Discord channel and if you are a GG Token (GGTK) or Simracer Coin (SRC) holder, you can leave your Metamask address in the #simthunder channel and follow the instructions provided there so that your address is whitelisted.
Pirates 2048 — Issues fixed
Development also continued with our second project and GG Dapp integration, Pirates 2048 , our retro/futuristic pirate ship battle game. During last tournament we discovered some issues in the latest beta version and had to roll back some of the code.
This sprint we managed to fix those issues and also add more improvements to the game play. We also iterated on the future battle system that will use the pirate characters NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens).
Central to this game is the concept of NFTs. Players will be able to pick up from the sea different kind of NFTs: parts to upgrade their pirate ships, story items (art and messages from the survivors), pirate characters and tournament tickets.
There are several tournaments during the year and a Grand Tournament at the end of each year to find the true “Pirate Legend”!
Once again, fasten your seat belts tight because this sprint promises to be one of the most intense for GG Dapp!
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