Tokenwised soars into Startup Lisboa!

GG Dapp
2 min readOct 4, 2023


Exciting times ahead! Tokenwised, our mother startup, has secured a spot in Startup Lisboa’s esteemed fall cohort! We’re all set to embrace the myriad of opportunities and learning this incubation program brings our way!

About Startup Lisboa

Startup Lisboa is a beacon for budding startups, offering a nurturing space from ideation to seed+. It’s a place where disruptive ideas meet meticulous guidance and support, all aimed at fostering innovation and growth in a founder-centric ecosystem.

Its incubation program offers many benefits including:

Fundraising: Warm introductions to an extensive network of investors.
Mentorship: Guidance and insights from seasoned entrepreneurs and experts.
Perks: Access to specialized services like legal, financial, communication, and software solutions.
Corporate Matching: Linkage with a diverse corporate network.
Rocket Sessions: Knowledge enhancement sessions for founders and teams.
Physical Spaces: Access to coworking spaces for startups.
Community Events: Workshops and events promoting learning and networking.

Journey with Startup Lisboa

We’re revved up to dive into Startup Lisboa’s rich array of resources, mentorship, and community events. From Rocket Sessions to fundraising introductions we’re on track for a journey filled with knowledge, networking, and growth! 🌟

Being part of this incubation program is like unlocking a new level! 🎮 We’re eager to refine our blockchain innovations and contribute to the vibrant and diverse community at Startup Lisboa.

Stay tuned as we share our progress and breakthroughs along this exciting path!

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GG Dapp

Upcoming web3 gaming platform, plus GameFi ecosystem.