While the markets are rockier than ever, GG DApp keeps on building. We are getting close to a few major launches and will share more details about this in our new sprint review.
GG DApp is an upcoming gaming platform plus DeFi ecosystem, with NFTs at its core, that aims to reward players, developers and liquidity providers. Every month we write a review with all the recent updates and developments.
Pirates 2048 — new beta version is live
In our last sprint review we already shared some details about the upcoming beta version of our Pirates 2048 game, one of the first that will be available in GG DApp. We are pleased to share that this version has just been launched!
In this new version we introduced a new monthly competition that will award our top scoring pirates. The prize pool includes a percentage of the game sales (20% at this point) plus an extra amount, decided each month. You can check the current purse for the month in the standings section of the game.
Besides the monthly competition this new version also feature a new kind of NFT collectibles that can be found on the sea arena. This NFTs will be collections related to the story of the game and its creators. Our first NFT collection is about to be launched and will soon start to be dropped in the sea arena!
GG DApp Open Beta — platform optimizations
After launching our new smart contract for the GG DApp Open Beta last sprint, we are happy to see that staking has been running very smoothly. We distribute 1440 GGTK daily on the General Pool, currently rewarding users with an APY around 100%. If you already own, or plan to own $GGTK, make sure to stake your tokens in our open beta, live in the Polygon network.
Now that staking is live, we are working on small improvements and preparing for the next big step in our roadmap, launching our first gaming pool for our Simracer Coin project. Gaming pools will allow our community to expose themselves to potential gaming gems in an early stage, staking their GGTK and getting the game-specific token as a reward. Besides that each project will be able to decide a percentage of sales to share with the stakers in form of extra GGTK.
Tokenwised — invitation for Collission Alpha Program
We are excited to fly out to Toronto this week for Collission Conference, North America’s fastest-growing tech conference. Our mother company Tokenwised was invited to participate in Collission’s ALPHA program, a startup program that allow early-stage startups with outstanding potential to connect with the world’s most influential people and companies.
Attending Collission will allow us to meet new people and we are very proud to have been selected for their highly exclusive program. Keep a close eye to our social media as we will be sharing updates during this week.
Marketing — New test phase upcoming
Early this year we concluded a series of marketing and advertising tests which lead to a new marketing focus for 2022. At the same time, with the current market sentiment, we have been very careful to expand our marketing, as we can only spend our budgets once.
We still feel that this is not the right moment to expand, but have identified multiple opportunities we want to test. This will include advertising channels, AMA’s and new content angles. Running these tests will allow us to understand what works best for our project and will prepare us for better investment periods ahead, when our project will also have stronger games and products. We will keep you posted about the progress in our sprint reviews.
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